Hi Guys,
More bad news.
My life long dear friend and well known designer of many models, including "The Stardust Special" Has gone to the great flying field in heaven.
Below is an email I just received yesterday from Don's Daughter, Nancy Rodgers. I got a lump in my throat when I read this yesterday. We spent many hours together at my home and on the phone. Don was just an amazing man.
He had three different engineering degrees and worked and retired from Grumman many years ago. When I asked Don any questions about aerodynamics or modeling in general he easily gave me the answer and reason for the answer in language I could understand but never talked down to me.
Don was one of the smartest men I've had the pleasure of calling him my friend. He will be sorely missed.
The two photo's were taken in my home many years ago.
The photo of the Stardust Special was the first Stardust Special that I built after the plans were approved by SAM. Silk & Dope (Of course).
Larry Davidson
Hi Larry, 1-10-17
It is with great sadness to tell you that my father passed away yesterday at his home in Centerport, NY. He had come home from rehab on November 30th and was being a total trooper trying to stay engaged and work hard. He got pneumonia, which has been a continuous battle, and just couldn't pull out of it this time. It has been a very difficult few months for him and we can all take solice in that he is now at peace and can be with my mom again. Thank you for always checking in on him and being such a good friend. He always spoke very fondly of you. I know he enjoyed your friendship as much as you did his.
Nancy Rodgers