Monday, November 30, 2009

Jack Ross Photos from the 1970s

2 Back&Forth models
by Bucky Walter

[FAR-RIGHT] Ted Katsanis (on the left) and Ralph Turner started SAM 39 back in the late seventies.
That's Ted's Playboy model

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Photos from the late Jack Ross (SAM 39)

Photos taken at the Lorain County R/C field in northern Ohio -1979
The other guys are Bucky Walter, Warren Wiesenbach and Karl Emde.
Joe Elgin getting ready to time Bucky's Lanzo Stick at a SAM 39 contest in NASA Plumbrook Station, Sandusky, Ohio

Photos from Lakehurst, NJ SAM Champs. 1974

Chet Lanzo (left), Joe Beshar & Fox (center), Danny Sheelds with John Pond (right)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sonic Cruiser completed!

Hi Guys,
I finally finished the deBolt Sonic Cruiser.
DeBolt had a novel way to turn the tail wheel less than the rudder. Back in 1961 the control system used reeds or escapements to move things. The photos show debolts system for the tail wheel and the rudder. pretty neat.
The model weighed in on the scale my mother used to weigh me over three quarter of a century ago; the model weighs five pounds three ounces. I worked for NACA and NASA for over one quarter of a century and I can vouch for the accuracy of the scale and it is close enough for Space Craft.
The fancy S or Z was taken off the plans of the Sonic Cruiser.
That's It!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

YouTube FreeFlight Videos

Slope Soaring Venezuelan Style

1939 Korda Wakefield


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11/10/09 Visit to the laboratory of Giovanni (Ninetto) Ridenti aka "The Maestro"

Welcome to my laboratory...

I was surprised to notice that many of the 2000 Pensacola SAM Champs photos had been taken by me.

Streamlined Cyclone for Tex-AH-co
Construction of Cyclone here

Placing a call to Col. Mario Perrone and Silvano

For dinner, we were invited to the house of Paolo Montessi, another fine Italian modeler who lives near the famous white Pyramid in Rome. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see his shop which is at another location, but he did show off some of his fascist era tube radios.