Hi Guys,
You can see the contest flyer and the events to be flown on this two day contest. That's the Ole Bucky Volvo pack for tail gate sales and his Powerhouse Foxacoy.
Some photos of the Toledo Weak Signals Flying Field in La Salle, Michigan. Very nice field house and flight line. I tried to get as many photos of the models and fliers. Notice the high dollar winches. The Weak Signals Club is into gliders big!
In the morning the thermals were outstanding. I made a checkout flight with my Powerhouse. I had to spin it out of a huge thermal. A bird chased it all the way to the ground. Quite a few comments were made about the black color of the fuselage arousing the bird sexually.
The Weak Signals Club provides lunch for the contestants and guests as you can see from the photos.
Of course, my official flights in the Foxacoy event were bummers. No thermals after lunch. That is except for Bob Erpelding who got a max in 1/2A Texaco. No other contestant had a max after lunch.
Peggy Erpelding and my wife Joan did the score keeping. Joan also sold the tail gate stuff from Jack Ross' estate which I brought into the club house. I was too busy having fun flying and timing.
After the contest some of us headed for a watering hole with good beer, food and a great waitress. Nicole took good care of all of us.
A great way to end a contest day.
Bucky Walter
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the pics to enlarge
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