Today's topic comes to us courtesy of DJ Aerotech. We hear a lot of discussion regarding "Lifting Stabs" in the OT community but it's not really discussed among people who fly R/C gliders or full size aircraft. Perhaps, it only had value to these designs as a contributor to their flight patterns in the Freeflight mode but is really a detriment in the glide?
Ron Monsen is an American who plays with Model Airplanes in the Sandbox and he offers more insight on this topic.
Boehle Giant build by the Ft. Wayne group hanging in the AMA Museum in Muncie, IN.
At fifteen feet, the Boehle (pronounced: Bailey) Giant by Vernon Boehle was an impressive model in its day. Vernon went on to join one of the Eagle Squadrons in the RAF. Here is a link by a modern day engineer who has decided to revisit the Giant.